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Grange Primary Academy

Home learning


Online, On the phone, ANYTIME.

Childline - Help for the under 12's - External Link - Childline

Pupil Zone 

This page will be key to access any remote learning material when our school is unexpectedly closed or your child cannot attend normal lessons. Our remote and blended learning policy is available below and is based on the virtual learning environment from the Government backed, Oak Academy

The specific subjects below are direct links to our core subjects and some general links have been included as well. If we need to teach remotely, then the class teacher will communicate the appropriate links to open. 

Our pupil zone has also been created for your child to explore, have fun and learn when not in school, please encorouge them to explore!

The link below will take you to our remote and blended learning policy (opens another window). (ref 1-033). Our document list is in alphabetical order.

Specific pupil learning zones


Below are direct links to specific online maths learning lessons for each appropriate year group.



Reception Class - Maths - External Link - The Oak Academy, Reception Maths Units

Year 1 Class - Maths - External Link - The Oak Academy, Year 1 Maths Units

Year 2 Class - Maths- External Link - The Oak Academy, Year 2 Maths Units

Year 3 Class - Maths - External Link - The Oak Academy, Year 3 Maths Units

Year 4 Class Maths - External Link - The Oak Academy, Year 4 Maths Units

Year 5 Class - Maths - External Link - The Oak Academy, Year 5 Maths Units

Year 6 Class - Maths - External Link - The Oak Academy, Year 6 Maths Units


Below are direct links to specific online literacy learning lessons for each reception class



Reception Class - Literacy - External Link - The Oak Academy, Literacy Units


Below are direct links to specific online english learning lessons for each appropriate year group.



Year 1 Class - English - External Link - The Oak Academy, Year 1 English Units

Year 2 Class - English - External Link - The Oak Academy, Year 2 English Units

Year 3 Class - English - External Link - The Oak Academy, Year 3 English Units

Year 4 Class - English - External Link - The Oak Academy, Year 4 English Units

Year  Class - English - External Link - The Oak Academy, Year 5 English Units

Year 6 Class - English - External Link - The Oak Academy, Year 6 English Units


Below are direct links to specific online science learning lessons for each appropriate year group.



Year 1 Class - Science - External Link - The Oak Academy, Year 1 Science Units

Year 2 Class - Science -  External Link - The Oak Academy, Year 2 Science Units

Year 3 Classs - Science - External Link - The Oak Academy, Year 3 Science Units

Year 4 Class - Science - External Link - The Oak Academy, Year 4 Science Units

Year 5 Class - Science - External Link - The Oak Academy, Year 5 Science Units

Year 6 Class - Science - External Link - The Oak Academy, Year 6 Science Units

General pupil learning zone 

These links will take you to the home pages of popular and good educational resources. You may have to help younger children navigate to a specific area or subject that they wish to learn or study.



The Oak Academy - External Link - Over 40,000 resources created with the help of 550 teachers. Our main remote virtual learning environment

BBC Bitesize - External Link - A vast bank of learning modules covering many subjects

BBC Newsround - External Link - Keep up to date with the news especially explained for children

Cool Maths - External Link - Maths & Games for Kids

Oxford Owl - External Link - With a library of activities and resources for every stage of the learning journey, curated by the team at Oxford University Press, we are here with inspiration to help your little ones learn, grow and flourish at home, in the classroom and beyond

Purple Mash - External Link - "You'll need your login details", ask your teacher

Times Table Rockstars - External Link - "You'll need your login details", ask your teacher

Manga High - External Link - "You'll need your login details", ask your teacher